Okay, maybe my title is a little misleading… there is really nothing amazingly creative or blow-your-mind-earth-shaking about this list. BUT… in light of what I wrote in my recent posts, this list may help you think outside-of-the-box when it comes to hospitality. Note that none of these ten ways involve cooking a fancy dinner or throwing a Pinterest-worthy party. This list is about true hospitality, which is simply loving your neighbor as yourself.
1} Offer to babysit for a couple who does not have family living nearby. (after getting to know them first, of course)
2} Visit someone who is housebound, or visit seniors in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. (especially if you have children!)
3} Drop off a meal (either bought of home-cooked) for someone who recently had surgery or a baby. (ask for food allergies or preferences beforehand)
4} Invite a new person to sit with you at church.
5} Offer a ride to a person who doesn't drive.
6} Surprise a neighbor with flowers or vegetables from your garden.
7} Offer to pick up things at the store for someone who has a hard time getting out.
8} Invite someone to join you on what is usually a family outing- the park, the farmer's market, a walk.
9} When you meet a new person at church, invite them to lunch that day. And if he/she can't do lunch that day, schedule a meal for another day.
10} Go out for tea or coffee (or ice cream!) with someone who is not in the same age bracket as you.
To think of more ways to show hospitality, ask yourself, "What do I do already?", then ask yourself, "And how can I invite someone to do this with me?"
To think of more ways to show hospitality, ask yourself, "What do I do already?", then ask yourself, "And how can I invite someone to do this with me?"