Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Special Saturday

We attended the Livermore Rodeo parade for the first time yesterday. What a lovely morning it was! (I wish I had photos, but I always forget the camera when I'm packing a lot for an outing.)

First, Livermore has not yet lost its small-town feel. Though I only saw one person I knew at the parade, just being there made me feel like I was a part of this amazing community that happened to be called Livermore. We sat outside a toy store called KoolyKats, which was not open because the store's owners were dressed in cat costumes and driving a hot rod in the parade! Right after they were done, they were outside the store, still in costume, greeting people (including my children). It definitely encourages me to continue supporting our small local businesses.

Second (oh, I'm listing again!), I saw some gorgeous horses: whites, browns, piebalds, palominos; dainty Quarter horses, stocky work horses, dancing prancing horses. They are (in my opinion) one of God's most beautiful creations. Took my breath away.

Third, I never knew that there are so many organizations out there for war veterans who want to keep on giving! From clowning to music making, these vets are active in the community! And seeing them march in their uniforms always brings tears to my eyes.

After the parade, my husband announced that he was taking our oldest son... somewhere. He didn't really have a plan, but what was important was that my son was spending more time with his father, and less time with me. We know that this is the time to pave the path that will guide him into young adulthood. 

Not having my oldest with me meant that I was alone with the girls (and the baby, but he was ready for a nap as soon as we arrived home.) The girls and I spent a half-hour together in the kitchen preparing food. If the garage is a "man's workshop", then the kitchen is mine. I love chatting while I work in the kitchen! We pulled ingredients from the refrigerator so my oldest daughter could make her unique yogurt concoction (someday, we'll share the recipe!). She started pitting cherries, and I started chopping vegetables for a salad. While we worked, side by side, we talked about mixing bowls, measuring spoons, and why we enjoyed baking. Nothing super deep, but I enjoyed talking to my daughter person-to-person. She is at an age where I don't need to hover over her as she cut and mixed, and she is ready and willing to learn some womanly wisdom from me. My flowers are starting to bloom! I too am paving the path that will guide them into young adulthood.

It was a busy, busy day, but I like having moments that make me stop and take notice. It's those little things that I remember the most.

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