Saturday, September 2, 2017

Introducing… Regina!

I have known Regina Gadad since high school, though only as my classmate's older brother's girlfriend. (Did you get that?) We both played piano and we both ended up attending UC Berkeley, but still we never became friends.

Fast forward about ten years, and I'm attending a MOPs meeting when I see a vaguely familiar face across the table. I glance at her name tag and almost shouted, "Regina!" She gave me a puzzled look. Clearly, she had no idea who I was. But, nevertheless, that was the real beginning of my friendship with Regina.

I have since discovered that Regina is energetic and outgoing. She loves her two children and going on camping adventures with them. She is an amazing pianist and has the gifts of encouragement and hospitality. She also enjoys cooking interesting cuisine because she is Mexican-Chinese and her husband is Indian (yes, her high school sweetheart, my classmate's older brother!) Most of all, she loves to serve at our church and has done so in several capacities; currently she is the teacher for our 4-year-olds class. My daughter was in that class last year and loved Miss Regina!

Then I discovered that Regina is also a writer! She has been blogging since 2012 and loves sharing her thoughts about life and God with her readers. Recently, she has been reviewing books, so if you are an avid reader, check out her blog for some great book recommendations!

I asked Regina the same questions I asked Susan (two posts ago.) Here are Regina's answers:

1) Please tell us about yourself.
I am a homemaker, piano teacher, mom and wife packed within the confines of a 4-foot-10 Mexican/Chinese woman. I graduated from the foster system at age 17, UC Berkeley at 22, and had my firstborn at 29.

2) What passions drive you in your writing?
When I write, I exhale. Writing helps me organize my thoughts and is therapeutic. I better understand myself and situations when I visually lay it all out. In some ways, it is like leaving my mark on this earth. After I pass away, I'd like to think my kin will read my words, maybe take something away from it and have some remembrance of who they've come from.

3) What is the greatest lesson you've learned as a wife?
It seems like I have always been married since Vijay and I have been together since we were 16. I am not sure what kind of person I would be if I weren't with someone. That said, it certainly has given me character refinement, realization that only God can be my perfect lover, not to mention financial security so I can pursue hobbies like writing and playing the piano.

4) What is the greatest lesson you've learned as a mother?
Motherhood has increased my compassion for life and I have this intense desire to mother and protect all kids that I come in contact with. For example, my family does a lot of camping and yesterday a filthy 6-year-old boy was left at our campsite while his single mom went somewhere for a few hours. I couldn't resist cleaning up his face, making sure he was getting water to drink, shade from the afternoon heat, and food to eat until his mom came back for him. If I see a young child on its own without a parent/guardian I instinctively want to care for them. I just can't stand by and see a child not being loved on.

5) What is the greatest lesson you've learned as a daughter of the King?
As a daughter of the King, I desire to glorify Him with my entire being. Being independent at an early age has taught me that He will provide for me–even as I tithe every earned cent from packaging fried chicken, delivering newspapers, cleaning rat cages, babysitting, piano accompanying, and office temping. I am loved immensely. If not by blood family, by my church brothers and sisters. By Jesus who died for me and allow me to have incredible supernatural experiences. I have learned my life matters despite those who oppose my decision to follow Christ. God has used me to bring my husband and children to Christ. Children I have taught. Moms I have come alongside with. And young adults I spent time with in my twenties (before kids). God loves me, I love Him, and there's nothing that can separate this eternal bond. While I am certainly a faulty human, I know Jesus death on the Cross has sealed me with my Creator.

To read more from Regina, check out her blog, Regina's Ramblings. Thank you, Regina, for answering my questions!

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