Because I don't have much free time, my creativity usually comes out in my cooking and baking. But I find that if I go for too many months without doing something artsy, I become disgruntled. I need to do art because it feeds my soul. I love seeing my environment beautified by something that came from my own two hands. And as much as I enjoy feeding my family, sometimes I just want to make something that won't get devoured in two minutes flat!
First, let me say that I don't consider myself to be a crafter, and this is not a craft blog. But I do enjoy making quick and simple decorations for my home, and I've learned how I can make that happen even with little ones. For years, I tried to do art, then grew so frustrated that I would abandon it for a while, only to try again because I needed it so much. It took me a while to figure out how to balance my creative time with my mothering time. So if you like arts and crafts, I'm excited to share with you what I've learned!
Second, I need to say that if you're a new-ish mom (or even a veteran mom), tell yourself not to feel guilty about taking some time to do something you love. I don't really believe in "me" time, but I do believe in "God" time, which means enjoying God by doing what He created you to do! Whether you need to go out for a bike ride or jog, play the piano, read a book, refinish a table, catch up with a friend over coffee… if it refreshes you, do it! You may feel like you're abandoning your post, but you'll actually be a better (and happier) mom when you reunite with your kids!
And now, on to the projects!
My criteria for crafts is that 1) they do not require long periods of attention or many days and 2) I use as many found objects as I can (meaning I spend as little money as possible). I love the challenge of creating something new from something old!
The first project is the welcome wreath pictured above. I made that today in just a few hours after I saw a similar wreath on the blog Elegant Nest. I love birch trees and I love music, so what is better than making birch tree-like bark out of music paper? The heart is shaped from an old wire hanger, and the 'welcome' from some bendy wire I found in the garage. I wrapped the ends of the 'welcome' wire around the heart, then duct taped them in place. Next, I cut up old piano music into strips, then used Mod Podge (available at craft stores) to wrap them around all the wire. (I brush the Mod Podge onto the strip of paper first, then wrap. Warning- it gets pretty sticky.) Lastly, I took some dead branches from a bush in our front yard. While carefully holding them in place, I wrapped paper (with Mod Podge) around the end of the branch, just enough to keep them from shifting. I also made sure the branches blended into the wire, so it looked as if the branches were growing out from the heart. If you look carefully, you will see three little butterflies I added as the finishing touch. Though I think I might add some color later… like many of my projects, it's a work in progress! (more about that in my next post!)
Here is another banner-type decoration. I found that I had lots of fabric scraps that were too small for any big project, but perfect for making a "rope" to hang things on. I pulled out fabrics of similar color, cut them into small strips (about 1/2 inch by 3 inches), and knotted them together, end to end, until I reached my desired length. The "rope" is perfect for hanging children's artwork, signs, or photos because the knots keep things from sliding around. And it also adds a touch of color to any room! I have the blue/yellow rope pictured here, and also a red/green rope for Christmas. I use my Christmas one to hang cards as they arrive in the mail.
Another quick project is arranging pressed flowers in an old frame. Flowers can be pressed in between the pages of any book (put things on top of the book to press down on the flowers), then glued onto paper using simple white glue (like Elmer's). Sometimes I collect wildflowers on my walks, just to have pressed flowers on hand when I feel the urge to be artsy! These two frames hang in my main bathroom.
Then of course, I have my ever-handy chalkboard. I used to get so frustrated because my art would get ruined by a child, or I messed up my own artwork when a child disrupted me. With chalk, I can wipe it clean and try again, and again, and again. I can work on it for a few minutes at a time and not worry about the paint drying while I step away to change a diaper. Big chalkboards can be pretty pricey, so make your own if you have a big frame that you no longer need. All you need is a bottle of chalkboard paint from the art store. I actually recommend this, because many of the chalkboards on sale now have a slick surface, which is good for chalk markers, but not as good for real chalk. And real chalk is still pretty cheap–just buy a box of white ones like the ones we used to use in school!
Inspiring! I enjoy crafts too -- like you, with materials I already have!