Summer is quickly drawing to a close, though in California, the only changes that mark the approaching autumn are the sun setting earlier and the calendar turning another page. I look back and think of the fun we've had the past two months: camping, road trip to Washington state, play dates, fruit picking, learning to swim, sew, play the piano, and ride a two-wheeler. We never did make it to Angel Island, though... oh well, maybe next summer!
I haven't written much lately because my mind is now consumed by one thing: homeschooling. I'm starting earlier this year because the baby is due in October, so I have only two weeks to fully prepare myself for starting third grade, second grade, and kindergarten with my children. Excuse me then, if you are not a homeschooling parent; I am going to write a little about it. You can skip on to another blog entry! But remember, homeschooling or not, you as a parent are part of your child's learning process!
In our family, we have a few homeschooling traditions. These were passed on to me from other homeschooling veterans, so I'd like to pass them on to you! You may want to incorporate a few of these ideas into your school year.
-We start the year off with a special outing. It doesn't have to be something big, just something that we don't do very often. Last year we went bowling as a family, and the children knew that the reason we were going was to celebrate the beginning of the school year. Other families have a traditional outing, or event, such as a tea party. You can also ask other homeschooling families to join you and 'kick off' the year together.
-On the same day as the special outing, we put together our time capsule. Each child fills in a worksheet that has their name, age, and height on it, along with a place for them to draw a self-portrait and write about their favorite things and goals for the year. They also choose a special toy to go into the capsule. The capsule will be opened on the last day of school (and I make sure they all understand this as they put their toy into the box.)
-Also going into the time capsule is the Bible verse for the year. This is a verse I pick out, thinking about what I want our overall focus for the year to be. The first year I did this, I chose Luke 10:27, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. I discussed with the children how learning is not just about putting facts into your brain, but instead, how it incorporates growing as a person, taking care of our bodies, and learning how to love God and people better. Last year and this year, our verse is Psalm 19:1, The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. I chose this verse because we were studying zoology last year, and astronomy, geology and botany this year. The verse is also one of the memory verses for the year.
-On the first day of school, I pack the kids a sack lunch and have them 'walk' to school (which means they go out to the sidewalk, turn around, and walk back and knock on the front door.) There is no reason for this except that the children find it very amusing and like eating a lunch out of a bag. I always take photos too.
-And for our last tradition (at least for now), we end the school year with a performance. We invite grandparents and relatives in the area, along with some homeschooling friends. Special guests are people who have supported us during the year, either by being a homeschooling veteran and giving us encouragement, or participating in a project and helping us out. The week before this special night, the children decorate the house and bake desserts (each chooses a dessert to make). We put up art, writings, crafts, and posters from the year. The children also sing, dance, or play the piano, and recite a Bible passage (like Psalm 23), so we do daily rehearsals to prepare. I make programs, the children dress up, and play usher too. It's a very fun night!
-I have also mentioned before the book I Saw the Angel in the Marble, by Chris and Ellyn Davis. This collection of essays covers everything from 'how to start homeschooling' to 'encouragment for those who have done this for years!' I read it every summer as a refresher. It serves as a good reminder that God called me to follow His will, not to compare myself to other homeschooling moms.
If you have traditions you'd like to share, please do so! I hope your year starts off well! Happy teaching and learning!
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