Well, Thanksgiving is over... it's time to prepare for Christmas, my favorite holiday!
Our tree is up and decorated. Garlands hang above doorways and a wreath is on our door. Christmas music fills our house. And I'm thinking about traditions old and new.
The Bairds have tried different things over the years, and we've pretty much settled on three family traditions.
1) We visit the tree farm and saw down a tree on the day after Thanksgiving. (check!)
2) I wrap Christmas picture books and put them under the tree. Every day a child chooses a book and unwraps it for our story time. (We're going to the library tomorrow to find some good books!)
3) I hang up twelve pairs of Christmas socks and put Bible verses and ornaments in them. All through December, we read the story of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus's birth. (I still have a week to get those ready-yay!)
Sometimes I wonder if it may be time to retire some of these traditions, especially since I see my older children starting to outgrow the picture books and stockings. But I still have little ones, so I will happily keep these traditions going.
Even so, as much as I enjoy our traditions, I want to make sure that our family doesn't become self-centered during Christmas. I would like to adopt traditions that are less about what we do and more about what we do for others. And at this time of year, I feel that it is especially important that we reach out to others, in ways other than giving to local charities. What can we do on a more personal level, for the many people who don't experience peace and joy during this holiday of peace and joy?
Here are some ideas:
-Make an edible treat and drop them off at your dentist's office or other local businesses. My daughter, who loves to bake, is requesting this, and so it is becoming a new tradition for us! This year, we hope to leave cookies at our dentist, orthodontist, plumber, favorite Chinese restaurant, and library.
-Do some old-fashioned Christmas caroling from door-to-door.
-Put out some snacks for the mail carrier and delivery people. They're busy this time of year! (the photo on the left shows the little basket that sits out on our front step, right under the mail box)
-Introduce yourself to a person of a different age group at your church. Invite them over!
-Keep extra gloves, socks, hats, granola bars, and restaurant gift cards in your car to give out to homeless people.
What do you do to reach out during the holiday season? Please share! I'd love to hear from you!
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