Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Quotes

In Him man found God. In Him man finds himself. These were the two things that men had lost; their knowledge of God, and their knowledge of themselves. ~G. Campbell Morgan

This is the story of that almost unbelievable humbling, the life that God lives when He came down from heaven and lived upon earth as a man. In a particular human body, born of a mother belonging to a certain race of people, nearly two thousand years ago in the country of Palestine, God lived and died for us men and for our salvation. The fact of this humility is so glorious that it is beyond human understanding, but the limitations of time and place put a sort of picture frame about the glory, so that we can look at it without being blinded. And we must look at it, because the picture in the frame is the most important thing in this world, or in any other. ~Elizabeth Goudge

Only the stars and mountains knew it. But they were old. And man was new, and chained to simple, useless rhymes; thus he could not understand the majesty that settled down upon him. ~excerpt from The Singer, by Calvin Miller

Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." If you are reading this, and sense that maybe you are not truly living, I pray that this will be the Christmas when you will find the Source of true life!

For more, click here for last year's Christmas Quotes

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