Saturday, August 30, 2014

Daily Trust

I don't like not knowing. And I especially don't like waiting while not knowing.

Which makes it surprising that I have (almost) six children, because with every child, I reach the point where anxiety begins to creep in as I near the expected due date and there is still so much I do not know. I don't know when the birth will happen. I don't know how the new baby will change the dynamics of the family. I don't know what surprises will come, so I cannot prepare for them. 

That said, I admit that I'm feeling a little tense right now. I want this baby to come NOW, because I'm tired of being pregnant, but more than that, because I want to know what my new life will be like. I'm a person of action, and God is teaching me (constantly) that sometimes action is not the answer. No, TRUST is. Trusting Him when I first find out that I'm pregnant. Trusting Him when people ask "Did you plan to have six? Are you going to have more? How are you going to take care of all these children?!" Trusting Him whenever the unexpected comes my way.

Living the life God intends for me is sometimes about charging forward with courage, and sometimes about resting in Him with patience and faith. Every morning, I have to to trust that He will give me what I need to face that day. So I will wait-- for this baby, for God's timing, and for the courage to face the unknown and tackle it when the time comes to do so.

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