Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Sabbath

I've never been good about taking a day of rest. It seems to me that even now, with modern technology to help us with our housework, I can't stop working for even one day.

Part of it is fear. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, If I don't do laundry today, I'll fall behind.

Part of it is pride. I can still make a scrumptious, home-cooked breakfast and dinner. We will not resort to meals of convenience just because it's Sunday! Or spend the extra money on eating out! Or use the dryer while the sun is still shining!

And part of it is my workaholic attitude and lack of planning, really. Women who have culturally observed the Sabbath did things the day before to be sure that there will be no work on Sunday. I could make meals and freeze them (and still have a home-cooked dinner), or do a double load of laundry on Saturday. And even if I can't (because Saturdays are sometimes full of activity), I could still allow myself to stop spinning like a tornado.

So really, there is no excuse.

But now with my husband working on Sundays, I have found that lightening my load on the Sabbath is better for my own sake. Breakfast can be cereal or oatmeal (usually with a good smoothie on the side to fill up tummies). I can go one day without hanging the laundry to dry (aren't we glad someone invented the clothes dryer?) And I can take the pressure off of myself to live up to some imaginary standard that I have set up for myself, and take the time instead to look to Him who truly defines me. 

And one of the ways He defines me is through music. I have started playing the piano on Sunday afternoons, because I do miss the days when I led music at church. Today, I pulled out my big book of classical pieces and Debussy, Chopin, Bach, and Beethoven refreshed my spirit. And my soul rejoiced in Him who made me. 

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