Sunday, March 20, 2016

Not Your Typical King

"The King is coming! The King is coming!"

The words ring outside the streets of Jerusalem. Curious people come running to see this man. They say he is a prophet and a descendent of King David himself. What does he look like? Is he regal, dressed in purple, gold, and jewels? Does he have an entourage of soldiers, horses, musicians, and servants? Are they surprised then when they see a simple man riding through the street on a young donkey?

And are we surprised at all? After hearing the story of Palm Sunday for years, maybe we're not. Or maybe it makes sense to us that the King who was born in an animal stall should ride in a parade on a humble pack animal.

The Jewish people of Jesus's time were disappointed when their Savior didn't vanquish armies and declare a new nation, but WE know that Jesus came with a very clear goal in mind: to be a servant-king who will die for his people. He washed people's feet. He touched and loved the ostracized. And he died the death of a common thief.

And the story does not end there. After all, he was a servant-king. Jesus rose from the dead to establish a new kingdom–not a nation of Israel, but a heavenly, eternal kingdom on earth that includes ALL people.

Clearly not your typical king.

Which is all the more the reason I want to follow Him.

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