Wednesday, November 22, 2017

…they skipped over Thanksgiving!

(A short chapter from my book, From the Mouths of Babes.)


~ Chapter 31 ~
... they skipped over Thanksgiving!
One August day, my children and I were at the store and we couldn’t believe our eyes. Christmas decorations were glittering from plastic trees. Fake snowmen flashed their toothy grins at us, beckoning us to take them home. Toys, toys, and more toys lined the aisles. I shook my head in disbelief, then made a wide detour around the Christmas displays. After shopping for a bit, we ended up on the other side of the store, where the racks showcased Halloween costumes. Of course, my children noticed right away, and Arianna commented, “They have Halloween and Christmas, but they skipped over Thanksgiving!”

“You’re right,” I said. Thanksgiving is small beans when compared to the two biggest money-making holidays of the year. The holiday itself, Thanksgiving with an uppercase ‘T’, is sometimes overshadowed by football and feasting, while thanksgiving with a lowercase ‘t’ is often forgotten as we get caught up in Black Friday and early Christmas shopping. Yes, gifts and food are good things, but we celebrate only because God gave us reasons to celebrate. When I think about our health, our home, and Jesus– the mystery of God coming to live with us in the most rustic and unimpressive way possible– I can’t help but be truly thankful!
“Thank you God for the beach... the food... my friends... my birthday... our car... our house... Baby Jesus...”

I listen to my children pray. Their gratefulness for all things great and small makes everyday a day of thanksgiving. Even if we had no turkey, no presents, or no Christmas tree, we would still have much to celebrate!


To purchase a copy of From the Mouths of Babes, visit! And come back soon for more information about my new children's book!

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