Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2020 and Beyond

I'm not into New Year's Resolutions. For me, resolutions are a year-round pursuit. I'm always needing improvement. 

That's why I've been working on a list. It's a list of reminders to myself when I am old and gray. And hopefully, not grumpy. I made the list because I want to start working on these things NOW, way before I become old and gray. This way, I have plenty of time to achieve my goals.

(And my friends who are reading this, you have every right to hold me to this, even when I'm 80!)

1) Don't be stubborn when you need help. Now, it may be help with the kids or the housework. Later, it will be help with driving, carrying bags, or even going to the bathroom. If help is offered, graciously accept it. If it is not, graciously ask for it. Listen to the advice of those who suggest changes. It may be for everyone's well-being.

2) Don't be jealous of your children's affections. Love demanded from the giver is not really love. When they are young, they prefer friends and toys. When they are old, they will be busy with their own lives. Be thankful if they are visiting friends or other family members or giving of their time to a good cause.

3) Love your husband and make the most of every moment. Be quick to say I'm sorry and be quick to forgive. This one will never change, no matter how old I am, or how many years I've been married.

4) Quality, not quantity. You may not be able to do as much as you used to, but you can still do it well. So do it with excellence, whether it is making a race car birthday cake for a 5-year-old or crocheting a baby blanket for an expected grandchild.

5) Don't be afraid to speak up when you have something to say. You're wiser now. But also know when to keep your mouth shut. Just because you know better than someone else doesn't mean it's the right time to say so. Show grace, especially to those younger than you. Remember what it was like to be in their shoes 10 years ago, 20 years ago, or 50 years ago.

6) Don't waste the time you have left. You may have days, you may have years. Either way, you're not dead yet. Love extravagantly, without expecting the love to be returned. Be the first to reach out to others. Be a role model. But remember #5.

7) Pray constantly and abide in the Word. There is nothing stronger, nothing deeper, nothing more life-changing. Don't underestimate what God can do in a person's life. No one, no matter how old, is a lost cause to God.

8) Be thankful. If you want to avoid becoming a grumpy, old woman, practice thankfulness every moment of every day.

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