1) Share the story of how you met, and share it often. Share it with your children. Share it with your friends. Share it with other couples. Then ask the couple how they met!
2) Speak highly of your spouse. Compliment your spouse in front of him/her AND when he/she is not around. Praise your spouse in front of your children, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers.
3) Don't speak poorly of your spouse when he/she is not around. Praising your spouse one minute, then putting him/her down the next, does not build up your marriage.
4) Surprise your spouse with little things. Leave a note under the pillow. Do a chore that your spouse usually does. Bring home a treat when you have a chance to go out.
5) Hold hands. Sometimes, if your hands are full with children, chores, and activities, the only time you have to hold hands is when you are lying wearily in bed together. But even so, you are making a connection, both physical and emotional.
6) Put down the phone and talk. You and your spouse may be sitting in the same room, but if you're looking at screens, then you're not really together. Turn off the computer, the TV, the phone, etc.
7) Be the first to say "I'm sorry." By this, I don't mean kowtowing and saying "Yes, yes, you're right, I'm wrong" all the time. After a disagreement or argument, ask yourself, "Was I unkind at all?" Maybe you yelled, or used a sarcastic tone, or were accusatory. Apologize for your wrong actions.
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